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This Unconventional Outdoor Event Balances Challenge with Comfort Thanks to Ecotent’s Mobile, High-Quality Tents

A group of men relaxing after a race under a green, printed Ecotent canopy tent.
Two men standing together at a race. One man is holding a chicken and the other is holding a megaphone.


Running a marathon is extraordinary. But running a marathon on your farm alongside your rooster named “Chipmunk”? Well, that’s a whole other level. That’s just a small glimpse into the fun and kooky “last runner standing” event that takes place just outside of Charlotte, N.C. Each year, a sold-out field of up to 120 runners participate in Psychoactive, a race hosted by Human Powered Movement and dreamed up by founder Adam Bratton.


A college athlete with an educational background in kinesiology and psychology, Bratton conceptualized the event as an alternative to those that have been in the running community but are looking for something new. For some, traditional running events can leave more to be desired when it comes to community connection, giving back, and unlocking people’s adventurous spirit.

The idea for Human Powered Movement came to him during the pandemic. At the time, he’d become concerned about the impact of isolation on people’s emotional, mental and physical health, and he wanted to do something to help. So, he quickly launched Human Powered Movement and a Virtual Challenge to complete an Off-Road Half Ironman Triathlon. Participants could complete this in one singular effort or over the course of a 10-day window … whatever their choosing, it enabled everyone to get up and move. 

A crowd of runners cheering in a parking lot in front of a pop-up tent and tear drop flags.
Its mission, is simple, “To inspire more activity in people’s lives.”
A sign that reads "Psychoactive 2023" next to an Ecotent peak flag in the grass with runners in the background.


So far, Bratton’s events and community-building efforts have been a hit. Maybe the most notable of them all is Psychoactive: A Last-Runner Standing Event. This non-traditional race has participants run 1.5 miles at set time increments until every single participant drops out, except for one … “The Last Runner Standing”. If the physical challenge isn’t enough, the mental challenge kicks in as the farther you run, the less time you have to complete each lap! This makes the race’s end time “open-ended and completely in the hands of the participants, and not the Race Director,” Bratton said, adding another element of intrigue and adventure to the sold-out competition capped at 120 runners.

The event is held annually at the beautiful Blackberry Ridge Farm in Huntersville, NC. Among the participants were the farm co-owners—a husband-and-wife team—and, yes, also their rooster for part of the race, each of whom pushed themselves to their limits. This unexpected group is proof that Psychoactive embodies its name, combining craziness, movement, and lots of fun into a single experience.


The race, however, isn’t just for fun; it also serves a sustainability purpose. Psychoactive, like every other Human Powered Movement event, benefits a local organization with an environmental mission. The 2024 iteration, for example, supports  the family owned farm who will use the funds to conserve, preserve and cultivate native grasses, plants and species on and around the 26-acre property.


Environmental sustainability is woven into other aspects of the event, too. On race day, runners donate old T-shirts and shoes to repurpose or recycle. Even the race-day shirts from Recover Brands are made from 100% recyclable materials and are 100% recyclable. Naturally, the event is also cup-free which drastically eliminates waste over the course of a 12+ hour race with 100+ people running over 3000 miles!


Environmentally conscious brands can also feel good about our solar-powered tent production process. All of our printing inks and materials adhere to ECO-Passport guidelines, a tangible symbol of our environmental mindset. And, our recycled tent fabric has been certified by Control Union according to the applicable Global Recycled Standard. We’re always challenging ourselves to become even better when it comes to impact on the earth.

Ecotent Sustainability
A tear drop flag printed with Ecotent and Human Powered Movement next to an Adopt A Highway sign.

This shared commitment to the planet is just one reason why partnering with Ecotent for a canopy tent made sense for Human Powered Movement. Focused on high-quality instead of over-consumption, Ecotent’s mobile canopy tents with durable construction open up a world of possibilities for partners. Reliable equipment, like the group’s co-branded 10x10ft canopy tent, means less waste and more adventure for Human Powered Movement.

Considering the planet in every step of operations requires determination and discipline. For Human Powered Movement, that also means being a proud 1% Percent for the Planet Member and adopting the highway that runs parallel to the farm property. Bratton explains this commitment to a different way of working best.

“In the long run, doing right by our planet’s future is far more fulfilling than doing right by our short-term profits.” he said. 


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Human Powered Movement, at its heart, is all about movement. For a group that encourages people to #GetUpGetOutGetMoving, mobile equipment is a must. Our canopy tents offer the freedom to go anywhere, without compromising on quality or sturdiness. 

Plus, the setup is simple. The entire canopy tent can be assembled in a matter of minutes with no tools or special equipment. When the event concludes, the Ecotent packs down to a compact size for easy transportation in a normal-sized vehicle.

A man celebrating at a race finish line with tents in the background.


Psychoactive isn’t the only elimination-style race of its kind, but it might be the only one set on an idyllic family-owned farm with a route winding through rows of hemp and wildflowers. On soft grass, packed gravel, or hard pavement, Ecotents can be assembled wherever they’re needed. For Human Powered Movement, that means they’re ready to go, no matter where the adventure takes them. 

Their vibrant, custom-printed tent prominently features their logo, which helps the organization boost brand recognition at events like Psychoactive and there other events and community gatherings. Beautiful and convenient tent accessories also cement the brand with the runners and spectators. Human Powered Movement uses eye-catching teardrop flags to support wayfinding and add visual interest at the race. Plus, Ecotent feather banners offer a stunning addition to the event’s signage.

Close up image of water droplets from rain on a green canopy tent roof.

Up for Anything

Psychoactive lasts as long as the runners last. So, there’s no telling how many hours the event will go. In 2023, the Psychoactive winner completed 47 laps over 12 hours and 22 minutes for a total of more than 63 miles. 

No matter how long the event stretches on or what the weather’s like, Human Powered Movement knows they can count on their Ecotent to serve as a space of much-needed solace, rest, and community for runners between laps. Competitors have the chance to recharge so that they can keep pushing themselves to go even further or enjoy some much needed rest after their inevitable DNF (Did Not Finish). The tent is 100% waterproof, fire-retardant, wind-tough, and light-fast—even in prolonged sun. 

With a tent that’s even tougher than the runners, Human Powered Movement has peace of mind. They rely on the Ecotent to perform well for a long time, even if the sun shines bright or the wind and rain roll in. 

“There’s no such thing as bad weather, just bad gear,” Bratton said.


Push Your Limits, In Comfort and Style

If Human Powered Movement and its unconventional Psychoactive race could be summarized, it’s a celebration of the boundless human spirit and the beautiful earth we all get to call home. The competition is a reminder that, with the right community, resolve, and equipment, you can accomplish just about anything you set your mind to.

We’re proud to empower that vision of possibility, purpose, and vitality as a partner of the annual Psychoactive event. Brands like Human Powered Movement magnify our sustainability mindset and help us accomplish more together than we could alone. If you’re local to the Charlotte, N.C. area, check out upcoming events and join the movement. 

Blackberry Ridge Farm Logo
Sierra Nevada Logo
Recover Brands Logo
Black Coffee Roasting Co. Logo
Ecotent Logo
MJ Bratton Logo
Pat McGrady Visuals Logo
A rendering of a green, printed 10x10 canopy tent with a tear drop flag.


If you’re looking for a high-quality, mobile canopy tent for your next big adventure or event, let us know. Our Product Experts can’t wait to help you find your perfect Ecotent. Contact us to begin a conversation, or explore our tent configurator to get started. 


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